Did you know a foster child is 500 times more likely to end up in the prison system than yours and my child? The statistics are even higher on these children’s chances of becoming homeless. When I found out about these statistics 20 years ago, it seemed so wrong to me. Through no fault of their own the majority of foster children are not given a fair chance to lead a fulfilling life. These children are not someone else’s children, they are our children. I firmly believe that foster care is one of the most important philanthropic causes there is. If we do it right, it can have a profound impact on homelessness, incarceration, child abuse and neglect, alcoholism/addiction, and education.
When I learned of the incredible work that Promises2Kids does providing tools, opportunities and guidance to foster youth to help them overcome their past and create a new healthy, successful future, I knew I wanted to get involved. Since then I have become annual funder through Day for Change (an organization started by CFO’s in San Diego that supports organizations that help the underserved children of San Diego). Perhaps even more importantly, and definitely more fulfilling I became a mentor to aged out foster men through Promises2Kids’ Men’s Leadership Network. Over these three years I have been truly inspired by the resilience, hard work and grit of these young men. Most are going to college and working to support themselves as they navigate our ever changing world with no safety net from their parents. I would encourage everyone to get involved with Promises2Kids with their time, talent and treasure. You will make a huge difference in the life of a child and make our world a better place.