DECEMBER 5, 9, 11 & 12, 2015
Holiday Shopping Days for Foster Youth 10 Years & Older
Once again this holiday season Promises2Kids will be hosting Our Annual Holiday Shopping Event! We are pleased to announce our holiday shopping partners: Walmart and Costco
Shopping will take place on 4 separate days
Saturday, December 5th — 8am-11am
Costco – Mission Valley
2345 Fenton Pkwy. San Diego, CA 92108
Light breakfast and refreshments will be served
Wednesday, December 9th — 4pm- 7pm
Costco – San Marcos
725 Center Dr. San Marcos, CA 92069
Hotdog dinner and refreshments will be served
Friday, December 11th 4pm-7pm
4840 Shawline St, San Diego, CA 92111
Dinner and refreshments will be served
Saturday, December 12th 8am-11am
4840 Shawline St, San Diego, CA 92111
Light breakfast and refreshments will be served
- Promises2Kids will have a check in table at the store entrance. Youth will check in by providing their last name and date of birth.
- No pre-registration is required. Please do not RSVP.
- Youth not on the list must provide recent placement documentation or a letter from their social worker or they will NOT be permitted to shop.
- Youth MUST be present in order to participate.
- This opportunity is for youth to purchase items/ something special this holiday season. Therefore, youth WILL NOT be permitted to purchase the following items – gift cards, toiletries, basic need items or groceries/laundry/cleaning items, alcohol or tobacco.
- No returns will be possible.
Please contact your County Social Worker/Regional Manager with questions on youth eligibility or to see if your youth is on the list. Registration list is provided to Promises2Kids by County data and due to confidentiality Promises2Kids cannot release that information.
For questions please contact us at 858-633-1309