The A.B. and Jessie Polinsky Children’s Center

Meet Sophia

Sophia (5) was born with significant medical needs. She was removed from her parents in 2020 due to severe general and medical neglect. As a result of Sophia’s behavioral, medical, and mental health challenges, she had 4 placement changes, 3 social workers, and has been in 3 different school districts.

Sophia was initially placed in a foster home, but due to her behavioral challenges, was removed and placed at the A. B. and Jessie Polinsky Children’s Center (PCC). There, she joined the KidSTART program, which supports her specific needs. Sophia was able to gain weight and her behavior improved. KidSTART collaborated with the child welfare team to find the right caregiver for Sophia, carefully planning the services they could provide and how they would benefit both Sophia and her new caregiver.

Currently, she remains at PCC and will move into her new home soon! Sophia’s new caregiver is grateful for KidStart’s help and guidance and looks forward to Sophia’s continued progress.

Thanks to your support, Sophia receives the crucial care she needs as she navigates the foster care system.