My upbringing was blessed. I have two loving parents who valued education and the collective experience. I enjoyed extended family and could always rely on the love of family and friends. My community poured into me as I participated in sports, school activities, and community events. That collective energy gave me the foundation and the confidence to pursue any dream that I could imagine.
Working with young people that have been denied the opportunity of a solid foundation of love and support is my passion. Household dysfunction can be crippling to the psyche of a child. My work at Promises2Kids seeks to help rebuild a foundation of trust, love, and support for children who have experienced chaos and battled the system of care. My role is to be the champion in their young adult years that they were denied as a child. I want to advocate for the friends I grew up with who quickly earned labels and were thrust into systems of care where they had no one to support them. Young people deserve an opportunity to grow in love. When they are denied that, it creates consequences that last far beyond childhood. I want to create light and purpose for every youth who was told they couldn’t achieve something.