Premier Dream Maker Sponsorships
Exclusive Sponsor of the Tequila Bar
- Naming opportunity for the Tequila Bar at the reception and event
- Exclusive logo or name featured on Dream On invitations, save the date, and program
- Exclusive logo and name featured on the Tequila Bar signage
- Table for 10 at the Dream On Concert Gala; includes reception, dinner & concert with seating located in the premier Dream Makers Circle
- Tableside concierge service with upgraded wine & exclusive gifts for guests
- Meet-and-greet & photo opportunity for 10 with artist at reception
Exclusive Sponsor of the Champagne Toast to kick-off the evening
- Name announced on stage during event toast with opportunity to be on stage to lead the toast
- Tableside concierge service with upgraded wine & exclusive gifts for guests
- Prominent signage located on champagne flutes at Dream Makers Circle tables
- Four (4) Dream Maker Tickets to Dream On Concert gala; includes reception, dinner & concert with seating located in the premier Dream Makers Circle
- Meet-and-greet & photo opportunity for 4 with artist at reception
Signature Sponsorships
- Exclusive signage featuring name/logo at Dream On Concert Gala Bar
- Cocktail napkins printed with name/logo at all bar stations
- Four (4) tickets to the Dream On Concert Gala; includes reception, dinner & concert with seating located in the premier Dream Makers Circle
- Meet-and-greet & photo opportunity for 4 with artist at reception
- Recognition as Bar Sponsor on Promises2Kids website, event invitation, event slideshow, social media & program
- Name/logo included in print ads featured in Giving Back and Ranch & Coast Magazines, and San Diego Business Journal
- 1/2 page full color ad in the event program
- Opportunity to provide your own branded wine glasses at seating on the Premier Dream Maker section (250 seats)
- Logo included on table sponsor signage denoting Wine Sponsorship
- Four (4) tickets to the Dream On Concert Gala; includes reception, dinner & concert with seating located in the premier Dream Makers Circle
- Meet-and-greet & photo opportunity for 4 with artist at reception
- Recognition as Wine Sponsor on Promises2Kids website, event invitation, event slideshow, social media & program
- Name/logo included in print ads featured in Giving Back and Ranch & Coast Magazines, and San Diego Business Journal
- 1/2 page full color ad in the event program
- Exclusive Gift Sponsor for all Dream Maker guests
- Logo on Dream Maker Gifts provided to 250 of the top Dream On supporters
- Four (4) tickets to the Dream On Concert Gala; includes reception, dinner & concert with seating located in the premier Dream Makers Circle
- Meet-and-greet & photo opportunity for 4 with artist at reception
- Recognition as Gift Sponsor on Promises2Kids website, event invitation, event slideshow, social media & program
- Name/logo included in print ads featured in Giving Back and Ranch & Coast Magazines, and San Diego Business Journal
- Logo included on e-blast
- 1/2 page full color ad in the event program
Host Opportunities
- Included on sponsor signage located at the front entrance & Valet Station
- Opportunity to have a personalized water bottle placed in each vehicle with your logo
- 1/4 page full color ad in the event program
- Included in social media post announcing confirmed sponsors of the event
- Logo included on the electronic version/e-blast of the event invitation
- Two (2) Tickets to the Dream On reception, dinner & concert
- Host for booth photos taken the night of the event
- Logo included along with Promises2Kids logo on all photos
- Signage at the Photo Booth as the as Host
- ¼ page full color ad in program
- Included in social media post announcing confirmed sponsors of the event
- Logo included on the electronic version/e-blast of the event invitation
- Two (2) Tickets to the Dream On reception, dinner & concert
- Host recognition at charging stations – available to guests at reception & Scotch Lounge
- Recognized on the event website
- 1/4 page full color ad in the event program
- Included in social media post announcing confirmed sponsors of the event
- Logo included on the electronic version/e-blast of the event invitation
- Two (2) Tickets to the Dream On reception, dinner & concert
- Host recognition on each table
- Recognized on the event website
- 1/4 page full color ad in the event program
- Included in social media post announcing confirmed sponsors of the event
- Logo included on the electronic version/e-blast of the event invitation
- Two (2) Tickets to the Dream On reception, dinner & concert
- Logo included on the invitation OR event program
- Recognized on the event website
- 1/2 page full color ad in the event program
- Included in social media post announcing confirmed sponsors of the event
- Logo included on the electronic version/e-blast of the event invitation
- Two (2) Tickets to the Dream On reception, dinner & concert
- Prominent display of logo or name on dessert plate for each guest
- Recognized on the event website
- 1/4 page full color ad in the event program
- Included in social media post announcing confirmed sponsors of the event
- Logo included on the electronic version/e-blast of the event invitation
- Two (2) Tickets to the Dream On reception, dinner & concert
- Opportunity to provide logo/branded items to guests at the station
- Signage with logo at the evening snack station located at valet
- Included in social media post announcing confirmed sponsors of the event
- Opportunity to provide logo/branded cups or other items to guests at the station
- Signage with logo at the coffee station located at valet
- Included in social media post announcing confirmed sponsors of the event
Table Sponsorships
- Table for 10 at the Dream On Concert Gala; includes reception, dinner & concert with seating located in the premier Dream Makers Circle
- Exclusive signage featuring name/logo on your table
- Exclusive gift for table guests
- Meet-and-greet & photo opportunity for 10 with artist at reception
- Recognition as Dream Maker Table Sponsor on Promises2Kids website, social media & program
- Name/logo included in the November print ad featured in the San Diego Business Journal
- Table for 10 for the Dream On Concert Gala; includes reception, dinner & concert
- Meet-and-greet & photo opportunity with artist at reception
Leadership Opportunities
- Four (4) tickets to Dream On Concert Gala; includes reception, dinner & concert with seating located in the premier Dream Makers Circle
- Bottle of champagne at table
- Meet-and-greet & photo opportunity for 4 with artist at reception
- Receive exclusive Honorary Chair gift the night of the event
- Recognition as Honorary Chairs on Promises2Kids website, event invitation, event slideshow & program
- Name included in print ads featured in Giving Back and Ranch & Coast Magazines
- In addition to attendance & event support, Honorary Chairs provide two former foster youth the opportunity to attend the Champagne Reception
- Two (2) tickets to Dream On Concert Gala; includes reception, dinner & concert with seating located in the premier Dream Makers Circle
- Meet-and-greet & photo opportunity for two with artist at reception
- Receive Honorary Committee gift
- Recognition as Honorary Committee on Promises2Kids website, event invitation & program
- Two (2) tickets to Dream On; includes reception, dinner & concert
- Recognition as Host Committee on Promises2Kids website & event invitation